AByoung: "Blood of the Lamb" (feat. Elohin & Amber Ramsey) Feature/Interview

AByoung: "Blood of the Lamb" (feat. Elohin & Amber Ramsey) Feature/Interview

What is the most important thing you want your fans to know about you?

YHWH saved my life. Jesus Christ is lord.

What did your recording process look like for this song? 

I wrote the chorus to this song in Rehab about 3 years ago. In the studio I couldn't find my original lyrics to the verses so instead of rescheduling I pulled random lyrics from my notebook and recorded them (don't do that). Despite doing this, I loved the song. about 2 months ago God convicted me about my lyrics because they didn’t honour him. (I knew this but I had so much already invested in the release)

It felt like an Abraham and Isaac moment (Gen ch. 22). I loved the song but God told me to change it.

I cut the song up and rewrote and re recorded the verses after we were moments away from initiating release…. It was a big risk but I know he’ll bless it, that’s my God.

What do you want your audience to feel when they listen to your music?

I want my listeners to feel "perspective"

I got saved 3 years ago after living a life I thought satisfied me. It seems like drugs sex and money all a man wants and It’s all I wanted. Man he pulled me up out the muck and the mire. I didn’t know it could get better. The lord is so gracious, I couldn't believe he loved me after all I did. Give it up bro. It’s possible. He’s the real soul food.

How would you describe your genre and sound?


What are your goals and aspirations for 2024?

I wanna be more like Jesus.

Erica Jean: "Chipped Pink Fingernails" (Feature/Interview)

Erica Jean: "Chipped Pink Fingernails" (Feature/Interview)